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Wednesday 21 August 2013

Am I a fool?

How are you friends? It is another inspiring week. I must tell you that this week has been more of a tutorial to me. Make a commitment to learn something from all that happens to you each day for that is how real lessons of life are learnt. I am getting better with each experience, good and bad alike.

The today talk is a mind troubling one! Am I a fool? Are you a FOOL? 

You will decide that...

It is a question that is often asked especially when it involves issue of rights and honor. But come to think of it, have you been a fool? What if you have been a fool? That's hard to say anyway! Let me run the attributes of fools. I think after you go through this you proudly know if you've been a fool or a wise person.

  • It is a fool that believes in politeness in our current world of rudeness.
  • It is a fool that waits for his/her turn on a queue without 'shunting'.
  • It is a fool that says 'I am sorry'. The wise are never sorry. Why should they be?
  • It is a fool that says 'Thank you'. The wise believe its their right to be helped by others.
  • It is a fool that chooses to clean up the dishes after meal while others are busy watching 'Gulder Ultimate Search'.
  • It is a fool that believes in courtesy and humility. The wise call humility cowardice.
  • It is a fool that goes about seeking repairs for what others destroyed.
  • It is a fool that will not cheat in an exams despite having opportunities to do so. I don't know why fools always keep their integrity.
  • It is a fool that waits to be told before they do things. The wise know better!
  • It is a fool that smiles when insulted. The wise are very pro-active. A good slap from them will do!
The world have been blessed by fools who knew better than to fight for everything in the name of fighting for their rights. From Mother Theresa who will always run after homeless and helpless children instead of concentrating on her religious duties, to the student who will refuse to cheat instead of passing with high grades, we see all sort of ‘folly’ displayed.

It is a brave thing to be a fool in today’s world of wise people. It is blessed to be the fool that will add value to others than to be the wise man that robs others of their will to live through strife, rudeness and heartlessness. The level of wickedness has made every good man look like a fool and wickedness has become ‘wisdom’! Every sincere person is counted a weakling while insincere and heartless brutes are termed brave. Brave, my foot! The world celebrates the fierce and the rude and terms them ‘smart’while the cool-headed guy is mocked and called a ‘sissy’.

What our values? What do we really live for? What really counts? Is it brutality or humility? “smartness”or sincerity? Why do the world look down on sincere people but identifies and immortalizes insincere people? It makes me wonder at times if the world approves of such acts of wickedness. Isn't it the same society who mocks the “sincere” that complains with bitter tears about the injustice of the “insincere”? I wonder sometimes who is really the fool and the fooled! I wonder the title of the drama is. Which drama? The drama we see everyday...in the mall, on the streets, in religious centers, in the market, etc. People cheer the harsh bully who will beat up a fellow being rather than bear an insult but will mock the cool-headed guy who walks away when insulted! People laugh at the guy with a high sense of responsibility, calling him a “too-know” but yet cry out in pains at the irresponsibility of government and other authorities Isn't that a wonderful drama! Funny! Bizarre! Very foolish!

If this is what the world calls ‘wisdom’then I am very proud to be a fool! If hurting a fellow being is what constitutes ‘wisdom’in our generation, then i refuse to be ‘wise’. I will gladly remain a fool. If wisdom means trampling others down and thinking about myself only the I AM A FOOL!

Ask yourself again, in the context of what we have discussed, are you a fool? If you are not yet a fool, i recommend you become one. Strip yourself of your ego. Think more about the other fellow. Be considerate. Be kind. Let others have the lion share. Allow others to light their candles from your light. It will in no way decrease the brightness of your light, rather, you be multiplying yourself in others. Take a break and say something polite to others. 

These are the things ‘fools’like me do which has given us rich, stress-less and fulfilling lives. If you are a ‘fool’ like me, I congratulate you. You are brave. Spread your light. Be more ‘foolish’. You aren't alone. ‘Foolish’people like you and me are those who have sustained mankind till date. Scream from the rooftops after reading this ...I AM A FOOL! You will startle people for sure. Explain what you mean and be sure to observe what ‘wise’people will say. Do this and catch fun! You will discover that there are very few foolish people...whom the world can do nothing without! 


Contact me @ soaringeagle4life@gmail.com or +2348130207064

Saturday 10 August 2013


It's the beginning of a new week, friends. I hope the previous weeks haven't been sour for you? Well, I have something to share to keep your minds busy for sometime. Enjoy!!! 

 I have come to discover through careful observation and study of the human race that a breed of humans exist who are naturally wired for greatness. It doesn't matter if they are educated or not. They always achieve more glory than others even if their efforts are minimal. They always stand out among their peers. They are like 'gods' to/among their peers. They cannot endure mediocrity. They just can't see a situation going bad and still stand idly to watch. It's very unlike them. Wherever they go they are easily noticed and respected no matter how young they are. They are not bothered by impossibility. Nothing is too difficult for them to do. In fact, they love tackling tough things. One funny thing is that they are always entrusted with leadership even if they do not desire it. They can not camouflage their personality even if they wish to. People desire their friendship not minding if they are too young, ugly, poor, uneducated or disabled . I have discovered that there's something in them that speaks volumes about them to whoever they come across. There's something that makes them act, think, speak, relate and dream differently. It's what I termed the "HEROES' GENE"

It can never be masked. It always seeks expression. One more thing....these people are born with this gene. They did not acquire it!! They didn't train themselves to be these. It's innate!! It's in-born!! Hmmm. Look around you, see for yourselves and prove me right. Ensure you catch fun this week. Life is too short to be wasted worrying over petty, ephemeral things. Don't waste an opportunity to share a smile with somebody...anybody!

Contact me @ soaringeagle4life@gmail.com or +2348130207064

Wednesday 7 August 2013

Don't avoid responsibility !!!

It's been quite a while, friends. Man make plans but sometimes circumstances rule. As a way to get things started again, I will share a short poem I had learnt as a young child which has kept me from fading away up till now and will definitely keep me till death. Enjoy!!!

It keeps you in ABILITY.
It is only an OPPORTUNITY.
For God's purpose to come to REALITY.
With all HUMILITY.
And using at your disposal every FACILITY.
You can attain a height of DIVINITY.
People will wonder at your MATURITY.
As God makes you a man of INTEGRITY.
All God needs is your AVAILABILITY.
You must also retain your SENSITIVITY.
And avoid too much ACTIVITY.
But remain in God's VICINITY.
Knowing that your labor is not in FUTILITY. Hope you enjoyed that?

Contact me @ soaringeagle4life@gmail.com or +2348130207064