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Saturday 10 August 2013


It's the beginning of a new week, friends. I hope the previous weeks haven't been sour for you? Well, I have something to share to keep your minds busy for sometime. Enjoy!!! 

 I have come to discover through careful observation and study of the human race that a breed of humans exist who are naturally wired for greatness. It doesn't matter if they are educated or not. They always achieve more glory than others even if their efforts are minimal. They always stand out among their peers. They are like 'gods' to/among their peers. They cannot endure mediocrity. They just can't see a situation going bad and still stand idly to watch. It's very unlike them. Wherever they go they are easily noticed and respected no matter how young they are. They are not bothered by impossibility. Nothing is too difficult for them to do. In fact, they love tackling tough things. One funny thing is that they are always entrusted with leadership even if they do not desire it. They can not camouflage their personality even if they wish to. People desire their friendship not minding if they are too young, ugly, poor, uneducated or disabled . I have discovered that there's something in them that speaks volumes about them to whoever they come across. There's something that makes them act, think, speak, relate and dream differently. It's what I termed the "HEROES' GENE"

It can never be masked. It always seeks expression. One more thing....these people are born with this gene. They did not acquire it!! They didn't train themselves to be these. It's innate!! It's in-born!! Hmmm. Look around you, see for yourselves and prove me right. Ensure you catch fun this week. Life is too short to be wasted worrying over petty, ephemeral things. Don't waste an opportunity to share a smile with somebody...anybody!

Contact me @ soaringeagle4life@gmail.com or +2348130207064


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