Random Post


Wednesday 15 January 2014


It has been a while buddies, I am so, so sorry for the break in communion.

I want to share something that's burning like fire in my heart. I am
going crazy thinking about how cheap people sell their dreams on the
altar of "fear of what people will say"

I once wrote a poem titled BE THE ONE, but painfully, I lost my poem
diary - everything! Losing that diary is one of the few regrets I have
in life. However, before it got lost, I shared poems in it with
friends who I am currently trying to reach. I will share the peom 'BE
THE ONE' as soon as I lay hands on it again. Please, wish me luck!

Really, life's situations request that we stand out from the pack and
make ourselves known rather than cower like cowards, afraid of leaving
our limiting comfort zones. It is our response to these requests that
determine our significance both to the society and to our real selves.
Painfully, most humans choose to blend-in rather than stand-out. That
explains why we have so many people in the "average" cadre of life.

What plagues our world today is not AIDS or CANCER but the limiting
habit of doing just as much as will prevent public glare on us! What
has undermined our ineffectiveness isn't our external environment but
our internal environment - our disbelief at how smart, strong,
powerful, important we are! It's so painful how talents, skills,
passions, dreams end up in the waste bin for lack of boldness to stand
by them until they become accepted by the society. I have in my short
duration on earth seen the stillbirth of great ideas just because the
dreamers lacked faith in their dreams. C'mon, BE THE ONE!!!

Be the one to overturn the depressing, boring tables of life. Be the
one to seek redress. Be the one to bring in variety to life. Be the
one to speak out. Be the one to question convention. Be the one to
provise solutions. Be the one to provide diversity. You can really
never soar higher than you can envision yourself do. Choose to take
uncommon paths, if need be. Be free to take decisions nobody before
you had taken. Stop being too careful! You fall short of your true
potential each time you logically talk yourself out of doing something
that hasn't been done before, all in the guise of "being careful".

Have you discovered that the world belongs to "careless people"? It
belongs to people who aren't scared of making mistakes, people who are
eager to fall and fall some more, people who learn from each mistake
and do not become too critical and careful because they had fallen,
people who love to try out new things, people who love going against
the status quo even if they are wrong, people who are happy to chart
their own courses rather than ply the worn-out paths of men!

If you want to really leave a legacy here, if you really want to sign
your autograph on people around you, if you really want to fulfil your
purpose, then you must be willing to walk alone, think alone, plan
alone and achieve alone! It's nice to have partners but a lack of
partners is a dumb excuse for failing to attain your full height in
life! Work with partners when they present themselves, but be ready to
run your race alone! Why? Simple answer....it is YOUR race!!!

Yea, dream-crushers will sneer, mock and laugh at you for being odd,
wierd or even a freak! When they laugh at you for being different,
laugh at them all for being the same! Hahahahahaha. They are such a
bore for being so conventional !!!

Contact me @ soaringeagle4life@gmail.com or +2348130207064